30 Minute Phone Consultation
30 Minutes, you may ask 2 questions
☆Archangel Tarot Message-Radleigh Valentine
☆Oracle of Shadow & Light-Lucy Cavendish
☆Cosmic Activations ~Nari Anastarsia
☆Beyond Lemuria -Izzy Ivy
☆Starseed Oracle Messages-Rebecca Chambell
☆Work Your Light Oracle Messages-Rebecca Chambell
☆Akashic Records Messages-Klingler
☆Kryon Oracle Messages-Lee Carol
☆Kipper- Fin De Siecle
☆Wisdom of the House of Night -P. C. Cast & Collete Baron-Reid
☆Goddess Isis Activations with Egyptian Tarot Cards
◇Traditional Tarot Cards to possibly used for clarification ◇
☆LightSeers Tarot- Chris - Anne
☆Happy Tarot- Unknown Author
☆Angel Tarot- Travis Mchenry
☆ Egyptian Tarot always used /w Goddess Isis Activations
30 Minutes, you may ask 2 questions
☆Archangel Tarot Message-Radleigh Valentine
☆Oracle of Shadow & Light-Lucy Cavendish
☆Cosmic Activations ~Nari Anastarsia
☆Beyond Lemuria -Izzy Ivy
☆Starseed Oracle Messages-Rebecca Chambell
☆Work Your Light Oracle Messages-Rebecca Chambell
☆Akashic Records Messages-Klingler
☆Kryon Oracle Messages-Lee Carol
☆Kipper- Fin De Siecle
☆Wisdom of the House of Night -P. C. Cast & Collete Baron-Reid
☆Goddess Isis Activations with Egyptian Tarot Cards
◇Traditional Tarot Cards to possibly used for clarification ◇
☆LightSeers Tarot- Chris - Anne
☆Happy Tarot- Unknown Author
☆Angel Tarot- Travis Mchenry
☆ Egyptian Tarot always used /w Goddess Isis Activations
30 Minutes, you may ask 2 questions
☆Archangel Tarot Message-Radleigh Valentine
☆Oracle of Shadow & Light-Lucy Cavendish
☆Cosmic Activations ~Nari Anastarsia
☆Beyond Lemuria -Izzy Ivy
☆Starseed Oracle Messages-Rebecca Chambell
☆Work Your Light Oracle Messages-Rebecca Chambell
☆Akashic Records Messages-Klingler
☆Kryon Oracle Messages-Lee Carol
☆Kipper- Fin De Siecle
☆Wisdom of the House of Night -P. C. Cast & Collete Baron-Reid
☆Goddess Isis Activations with Egyptian Tarot Cards
◇Traditional Tarot Cards to possibly used for clarification ◇
☆LightSeers Tarot- Chris - Anne
☆Happy Tarot- Unknown Author
☆Angel Tarot- Travis Mchenry
☆ Egyptian Tarot always used /w Goddess Isis Activations